Gifts in Wills

Where there’s a will . . . there’s a way to help others!

Once you have provided for your loved ones, please consider leaving a gift in your Will to support the work of the Orthopaedic Institute Ltd.


Leave a gift in your Will

Did you know there are different types of gifts you can leave in your Will?

  • A percentage or share of your estate. For example, you could leave as little as 1%, 5% or 10% of your total wealth. Leaving even a small percentage of your estate is one of the best ways to help the Orthopaedic Institute Ltd. This is known as a residuary gift
  • A lump sum. You might choose to leave a fixed amount of money such as £100, £1,000 or £10,000. This is known as a pecuniary gift
  • Valuable items. For example, you might leave an antique, a painting, jewellery or shares to us. This is known as a specific gift.
  • If you already have a Will, your additional wishes can be put into effect by a simple amendment called a Codicil. Your solicitor can help you with this in minutes and you do not have to change your Will.

Whatever you choose, no matter how large or small the gift, the Orthopaedic Institute will be extremely grateful. All donations will help us to fund vital research to support the advancement of care of debilitating diseases such as arthritis and rheumatism or childhood conditions including cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophies and cellular techniques for repair and healing.

Can my gift be earmarked for a particular research project?

You can choose which area of research you would like your money to be spent for example; Foot and ankle, hand and wrist, hips and knees, oncology or cellular techniques for cartilage repair.

There are many options. Please talk to us for further information about our current studies and to find out where the money is most needed at this time. It is a very personal and sensitive area so please feel free to contact Debra Alexander to talk through the options or just to have an informal chat in confidence and without any obligation.

In Memory Giving

Making a donation in memory of a loved one is a kind and thoughtful thing to do. They may have benefitted from orthopaedic surgery here at the hospital, be it a broken bone or a joint replacement or it could simply be in admiration of the work we do in the local community and much further afield.

Whatever the reason the gift will help to ensure that we can continue to support essential research, provide education and training, share knowledge and increase awareness of our work. This will be a lasting tribute to them and their commitment to the Orthopaedic Institute Ltd.

If you wish to make an ‘in memoriam’ donation, please contact us.

Ellie Dickens remembering her father Stuart, a patient and friend of the Orthopaedic Institute Ltd.

Shares, land or property

If you donate shares, you are entitled to claim full tax relief equal to the market value of the shares and any associated costs such as brokers’ fees. For example, if a higher rate taxpayer gives £1,000 worth of shares to charity, they will pay £400 less in income tax that year.

Additionally, no capital gains tax (CGT) will apply to any increase in the market value of the shares donated to charity. However, if the shares have fallen in value, you will not be able to use this loss to offset any other CGT liability.

If you donate land or buildings to us, you are eligible for full tax relief from income and capital gains tax. As with donating shares, you are entitled to claim relief for the full market value of the property donated.

You can find more information about donating land, buildings or shares to charity on the  HM Revenue & Customs website. If you have any doubts, it is best that you contact a professional adviser such as an IFA, accountant or solicitor.

If you would like to discuss alternative methods of making a donation or leaving a legacy, please contact us.

Why should I make a Will?

It gives you peace of mind. If you die without a Will, the law decides ‘who gets what’ and your family, or your favourite charity, may miss out.

Your Will can provide protection for your family, making sure of supporting their needs. Inheritance Tax may be charged on your estate. By careful planning you can reduce this burden. You can use your Will to benefit your favourite charities. All charitable gifts are free of Inheritance Tax.

Tax Benefits

Gifts to charity are generally exempt from all Inheritance Tax, Capital Gains Tax and Income Tax, so the full value of your gift will go straight to help our work.

Why leave a legacy to the Orthopaedic Institute Ltd?

The Orthopaedic Institute Ltd was founded in 1971. It is a registered national charity which purely through voluntary contributions helps to fund vital research into orthopaedic conditions and provides education for trainees and our allied health professionals.

We are an independent charity dedicated to advancing orthopaedic knowledge, not just by funding and publicising research but also by organising training for orthopaedic surgeons, trainees and allied professionals.
We can’t do it without your help!

Is there any specific wording I should use?

It is important that the correct name, address and Registered Charity Number is used to ensure the gift is received by the intended Charity for example;

Residuary legacy: “I give to the Orthopaedic Institute Ltd, Arthritis Research Centre, RJAH Hospital, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY10 7AG, UK Registered Charity Number 1044906  __% of the residue of my estate to be used by the Orthopaedic Institute Ltd for research purposes”.

Pecuniary legacy: ‘I give to the Orthopaedic Institute Ltd, Arthritis Research Centre, RJAH Hospital, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY10 7AG, UK Registered Charity Number 1044906  the sum of £___  to be used for research purposes”

Please remember if you do decide to support us in this way you will never be under any lasting obligation. You can always change your Will at any time.

How do I make a Will?

It can be quick and easy to make a Will, but it is important to involve a legal professional to draw it up for you. If all the legal formalities are not correctly followed your Will could be declared invalid.

A Will can be drawn up within minutes although it is best to give it some thought first! We can provide details of reputable Solicitors within the area however we are not able to advise on the writing of Wills. We leave that to the professionals!